Cover image for Index to Defunct Companies, Business Names, Trade Unions, Etc.
Index to Defunct Companies, Business Names, Trade Unions, Etc.
Series Number:
Start Date:
01 Jan 1966
End Date:
31 Dec 1990
Creating Agency:
01 Jan 187026 Mar 1979

26 Mar 197931 Dec 1990
Controlled Series:
SC331 Company Files01 Jan 192113 Jan 1999

SC338 Documents concerning the Registration of Friendly Societies01 Jan 186015 Apr 1999

AC45 Company Registers01 Jan 195019 Dec 1990

AC53 List of Companies Struck Off the Register29 Aug 196108 Apr 1981
How to Use:
Each entry gives the name and registration number of the entity and is endorsed with the date and method of its removal from the register. Either the structure of the number or the method of removal from the register, as described below, will indicate the type of entity (Company, Business Name, Association, Trade Union, etc.).


The registration number is preceded by a letter or letters.

T = Tasmanian company

F = Foreign (ie: interstate or overseas) company. If Australian an additional letter usually indicates the state of origin.

RC = Recognised Company (used for interstate companies after adoption of the National Companies Code in 1982)

The method of removal (indicated by a manuscript addition to the strip) is also unique to companies.

S/O = Struck Off

Tran = Transferred to another jurisdiction

LIQ = Liquidated (the date is the date dissolved rather than the date it entered administration)

N/C = Name changed. (The registration number remained the same but a new strip was put in the active index with the new name.)

N/Canc = Name Cancelled (usually Recognised Companies)


All the numbers in the index without a prefix appear to be Business Names. Many companies (particularly those from interstate) registered their company name (or a variant) as a Business Name. The method of removal was:

Ex (or E) = Expired. (Registrations had to be renewed every 3 years.)

C = Cancelled


ASSN = Incorporated Association

T.U. = Trade Union

No others have been identified to date. By 1962 most other types of entity had been absorbed into the Companies Register and so were not separately indexed when the strip-dex system was introduced.
Series notes:
A set of strip-dex indices to the various entities it registered was created by the Companies Office at some time in the 1960s using different colours for each one. As an entity was removed from the register its strip was removed from the index and placed in the (consolidated) defunct index. The active indices were computerised in the early 1990s by the ASC and the strip-dex versions destroyed. Some time thereafter this index was photocopied (thus losing the ability to identify types of entity by strip colour) and the original was also destroyed.

There are discrepancies in this series arising from a number of causes. Some are clearly typographical errors, such as the Queensland company JOC Pty Ltd which appears in this index as RC 17,665. In the Companies Register that number is allocated to "Siesta Food Products P/L" and in the Business Names Register it is "Vitality Health Foods". There is no file in SC331 at this company number and a search based on transposition of the digits has not found the correct number for the company.

Companies frequently changed their name and in theory the strip for the old name will be in this index with a notation as to the change but this did not always happen. This is compounded where one company took the name formerly used by another company. Airlines of Tasmania was originally a Victorian company (VF14,652). When it changed its name the Tasmanian company Air Tasmania Commuters P/L (T11,869) adopted the name Airlines of Tasmania P/L.

The Archives office holds files for most of the companies that appear in this index and for many that do not as they ceased trading before it was created. In addition the Office holds the older parts of files for many companies that are still trading.

Business Names were less formal entities than companies and this is reflected in a more cavalier attitude to registration, ie: the fact that a Name expires or is cancelled does not mean that the Business ceased trading. The builder and contractor D Williams registered his name as a Firm in 1940 then as a Business Name in 1964 (No 5508). The business passed to his son in 1967 who finally cancelled the registration in 1986 although continuing to trade as D Williams.

This index also includes former Trade Unions that had been registered solely under Tasmanian legislation.

Deregistered Associations, which are still held by the Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Division of the Department of Justice, are also found in this index.

Other entities, such as Friendly Societies, Building Societies, Banks and Insurance Companies, previously dealt with under their own specific legislation, were brought under the Companies Act in 1962 and so are not identified separately in the index.

These records are part of the holdings of the Tasmanian Archives
System of Arrangement:
Alphabetical. Each entry gives the name and registration number of the entity and is endorsed with the date and method of its removal from the register. Either the structure of the number or the method of removal from the register will indicate the type of entity (Company, Business Name, Trade Union, etc.). Contains only those entities which ceased trading between the mid-1960s and the end of 1990.;;;;
Information Sources:
Interviews with former staff established the evolution of this series.