Cover image for Designhaus Architects
Designhaus Architects
Agency Number:
Designhaus is an architectural practice with a long history. Its Directors (at 2020) are Richard Crawford, Andrew Shurman and John Padas. The business was established in 1855 by renowned architect, Henry Hunter.;;Since then the firm has comprised various partnerships and contributed significantly to the Tasmania built landscape. The partnerships were - Henry Hunter, George Fagg, Ricards & Salier, Walker & Salier, Walker, Walker & Johnston, A.T. Johnston, Johnston & Crawford, Johnston Crawford & Partners, Johnston Crawford & De Bavay, Crawford De Bavay & Cripps, Crawford Cripps Wegman, Crawford & Wegman Architects, Crawford Shurman Wegman, Crawford Shurman Architects and Crawford Padas Shurman Architect
Functions Performed:
Tasmanian businesses
Series Created By Agency:
NS6804 Architectural Plans01 Jan 186931 Dec 1950