Cover image for Royal Commission Into the Constitution Act 1934
Royal Commission Into the Constitution Act 1934
Agency Number:
Start Date:
01 Jan 1982
End Date:
31 Dec 1982
In 1981 the Governor of Tasmania appointed a Royal Commission to inquire into mechanisms by which deadlocks between the two Houses of Tasmanian Parliament could be resolved. The Constitution Act 1934 provides that, save in respect of the power to initiate or amend Money Bills, the Legislative Council and the House of Assembly shall possess equal powers in respect of all matters, but does not provide any mechanism to settle disagreements which may arise between the Houses in the exercise of those powers. ;;The Commission proceedings ran from December 1981 to March 1982. The Commission was chaired by Brian A Beaumont.
Information Sources:
Series Created By Agency:
AF42 Correspondence of the Royal Commission01 Dec 198113 Apr 1982

AF43 Exhibits01 Jan 198231 Dec 1982

AF44 Submissions01 Jan 198231 Dec 1982

AF46 Information Compiled to Assist the Royal Commission01 Jan 198231 Dec 1982